The Issues
Although every marriage is unique,
we have found that fire wives face many of the same issues.
Here are just a FEW of what we hear most often:
PTSD & Mental Health
How do I get help to cope?
How do I know if my husband needs help?
What can I do to help him obtain what he needs for himself, and for the family?
“My husband is very distant after he returns home from the fire station, especially after a ‘bad’ call,
or after being up all night. How do I get him to communicate with me?”
The Family vs. The Fire Station
Home power struggles
Navigating the stages of marriage.
When do the wife and family become the top priority?
When he is home, why is he on the phone talking fire?
Children and the MANY issues that accompany raising them in a fire family
Use of Off Time
Why is he hunting?
Why isn't he helping around the house?"
“When he is off for 24 or 48 hours, why is he doing things that don't include me?
Infidelity Concerns
Female firefighters, paramedics, and other emergency personnel
Bonding with coworkers over difficult situations and trauma
The Job
Competing with the “hero syndrome”
“Why won’t he take off work for important things to me or our children?”
“I make more money, why is the job of a firefighter, or his schedule more important?"
What We Do

The "Get-Real" Conversation
Through highly interactive programs, we work as a national team to lead seminars, weekend retreats, conference presentations, and various events that allow for wives to laugh, cry, share, and get really honest in a safe and fun space, with other women who live this Fire Wife Life. Programs include;
“The 10 Myths versus Realities of Being Married to a Firefighter”
This program explores what it is really like to be married to a first responder in a comical, yet truthful format.
“Spouse Trauma in the First Responder Family”
This is “real-talk” about the trauma that the first responder spouse and family experience and the toll it can take on a marriage.
“Find Your Tribe”
Why do fire wives gravitate to other fire wives? Because we get it! This program explains the importance and benefits of finding people who understand the lifestyle.
The Brunch Chronicles
This is the same as our "Get-Real" Conversation. However, we use a restaurant or pub space that includes drinks and a day out!
The Conference Builder
If you have an annual conference, and you are looking for events for your spouses, we can build that for you!
The Retreat
Many wives need some time away to talk more in-depth (1 and 2 day retreats), and experience the time together with other spouses who understand what they may be going through. We will choose the locations, and put together the weekend, you just come ready to talk honestly and openly, while you further build your support system and tribe!
National Advisory Council
on Mental Health
We know that both firefighters and their wives face an alarmingly high rate of PTSD and mental health issues associated with the job. This can directly impact not only the firefighter, but the spouse, and the entire family. Fire Wife Life has put together a National Advisory Council on Mental Health as a resource to help when coping with issues becomes difficult.
Fire Wife Fund
Through our “Donate Now” feature that is located under “Our Charity”, we have put in place the parameters for a FUND that will be available for any wife to apply to for support. No matter what the circumstance is, we know that times can become difficult, and we want to be able to respond with tangible aid! If you or someone you know is in need of support, please reach out to Tracy McCart at firewifelifetracy@yahoo.com
Wife to Wife!
Sometimes, wives need to talk! If at any time you are struggling and need a voice at the other end of the phone, CALL US! 404-242-3640 We will talk with you, and direct you to trusted resources if you need them!

To bring Fire Wife Life to your Tribe, Fire Department, or Conference, give us a call or reach out here!